Handling laundry is a major task that must be managed safely by health care workers (HCW) for maintaining a green hospital environment. Laundry processing, especially in hemodialysis units is a source of many hazards, especially bacteriological ones. This study aimed to assess safe laundry handling and disposing of in hemodialysis units. A descriptive research design was utilized. Subject A convenience sample of 46 nurses (nursing and auxiliary members) was enrolled in this study. Materialsand method: The current study was conducted in dialysis units at the following Hospitals; Students’ University and Health Insurance (Gamal Abd-El-Naser); Alexandria. Tool: One tool was utilized "Safety practices of laundry handling and disposing of in hemodialysis units: Observational Checklist”; it was developed by the researchers after a thorough review of related literature. It comprised two parts, Part I: Personal data as age, gender, years of experience, employment position, educational level, and previous attendance in-service training regarding safe laundry management. Part II: Safety Laundry Handling and Disposing Observational Checklist. Result: This study reflected satisfactory safe practices level of laundry handling scores in both settings. While, no significant correlation was detected between both settings regarding safe practices of laundry handling and disposal, while a significant relationship between overall practice levels and staff socio-demographic characteristics except gender was noticed. Conclusion: A significant correlation between the availability of all-time PPE and laundry processing; with satisfactory scores for applying safety laundry practices was noticed. Recommendations: Periodic monitoring for staff as well as continuous training programs regarding safe laundry processing must take place. All linen must be handled, stored, and transported in a manner that maintains a green environment for all patients, health care workers, as well as visitors for the sustainability of health and safety in hemodialysis units.
Abouelfadle, S., Abdel Aziz, T., & Ahmed, D. (2021). Assessment of Safe Handling and Disposal of Laundry in Hemodialysis Unit. Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research, 7(1), 1-16. doi: 10.21608/jbaar.2021.131143
Soheir Abouelfadle; Thoraya Abdel Aziz; Doaa Amin Ahmed Sayed Ahmed. "Assessment of Safe Handling and Disposal of Laundry in Hemodialysis Unit", Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research, 7, 1, 2021, 1-16. doi: 10.21608/jbaar.2021.131143
Abouelfadle, S., Abdel Aziz, T., Ahmed, D. (2021). 'Assessment of Safe Handling and Disposal of Laundry in Hemodialysis Unit', Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research, 7(1), pp. 1-16. doi: 10.21608/jbaar.2021.131143
Abouelfadle, S., Abdel Aziz, T., Ahmed, D. Assessment of Safe Handling and Disposal of Laundry in Hemodialysis Unit. Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research, 2021; 7(1): 1-16. doi: 10.21608/jbaar.2021.131143