Background: Mental health is simultaneous success at working, loving, creating with the capacity for nature and flexible resolution of conflicts between instincts, conscience, and reality (American Psychiatric Association, 2001).Materials and Methods. The main objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge of adolescents regarding the factors contributing to mental health in a selected college and to compare the knowledge of adolescents on factors contributing to mental health with their selected demographic data. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 100 college students between 17 to 21 years of age group, selected by stratified random sampling to assess their knowledge regarding factors contributing to mental health by using a close-ended questionnaire at Index Nursing College, Indore. Results: Observation shows that the highest percentage (32%) of the college students were in the age group of 21 years and above of, a majority (60%) of them were female students, almost all (90%) of them were from a nuclear family, the highest percentage (42%) of them were belongs to income group of Rs. 1251 and above, the highest percentage (53%) of them were from an urban area, a majority (63%) of them were Hindus, and a majority (64%) of them received information from mass media. The total mean knowledge score of college students was 12.37±4.53 which is 56.23% of a maximum obtainable score which revealing average knowledge, whereas the highest mean score (1.42±0.62) is 71% of the maximum score on verbatim for relaxation revealing good knowledge & lowest mean score (3.63±1.91) which is 51.86% of the maximum score on nutrition for mental health revealed average knowledge. Association of demographic variables with the knowledge score shows that significant association was found between knowledge scores & age and class in which studying, whereas no significant association was found between knowledge score and sex, type of family, per month per capita income, residence, religion and source of information. Conclusion: From the findings of the present study it can be concluded that the knowledge of students regarding factors contributing mental was good on regarding relaxation. Overall mean, SD and mean score revealed that students having average knowledge regarding factors contributing to mental health. The knowledge scores of the students when compared with selected demographic variables revealed a significant association was found on age and class in which studying.
Rajan, J. (2018). Knowledge of Adolescents Regarding the Factors Contributing to Mental Health at a Selected Nursing College in Indore. Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research, 4(4), 526-537. doi: 10.21608/jbaar.2018.155680
Jinu K Rajan. "Knowledge of Adolescents Regarding the Factors Contributing to Mental Health at a Selected Nursing College in Indore", Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research, 4, 4, 2018, 526-537. doi: 10.21608/jbaar.2018.155680
Rajan, J. (2018). 'Knowledge of Adolescents Regarding the Factors Contributing to Mental Health at a Selected Nursing College in Indore', Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research, 4(4), pp. 526-537. doi: 10.21608/jbaar.2018.155680
Rajan, J. Knowledge of Adolescents Regarding the Factors Contributing to Mental Health at a Selected Nursing College in Indore. Journal of Bioscience and Applied Research, 2018; 4(4): 526-537. doi: 10.21608/jbaar.2018.155680