Detection of DNA damage by SCD and Rate of Apoptosis DNA by Gel Electrophoresis among infertile males

Document Type : Original Article


1 Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science Menoufia University, Egypt

2 Department of Andrology, Sexology & STDs, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt


Background: DNA damage as Fragmentation has adverse effects on fertilization and embryo development, so it is one of the main causes of a male factor for infertility. Several techniques have been mentioned to elevation this damage. In our study, we determine DNA damage in human spermatozoa by sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) method and Apoptosis of DNA in human spermatozoa by Optical density in gel electrophoresis in male infertility. Objects and Methods: Semen samples were collected from 100 men and were analyzed by standard light microscopic according to the World Organization (5th edition) for diagnostic fertility. Furthermore, Sperm DNA damage was determined by using Halosperm Kit, then assessment apoptosis by optical density in Gel Electrophoresis. Results: The mean value of DNA by SCD method in infertile males increased with a value of 47.95±10.96 %   when compared with the control value of 21.2 ±2.64 % with (p< 0.00001). On the other hand, the mean value of DNA by measurement of Optical density in Gel Electrophoresis in infertile males decreased with a value of 120.27±18.73 when compare with the control value of 144.4±45 with (p =0.833). Conclusion: The assessment of sperm DNA damage by SCD method and other methods for detection of DNA apoptosis by gel electrophoresis addition to routine semen analysis play important role in the diagnosis and management of male infertility. 
