Hematological and biochemical changes associated with water-pipe (Shisha)smoking for some volunteers in Missan province

Document Type : Original Article


Biology Department / Basic Education College / Missan University, Iraq


Aim of the study: Clinical and experimental studies detected that waterpipe smoking is more harmful than a cigarette with can induce oxidative stress and inflammation. The current study was performed to investigate the effect of water pipe smoking on hematological parameters and evaluation the biochemical parameters including a lipid profile, live function enzymes, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and blood glucose.
Method: The study was performed on (150) volunteers who agreed to participate in this study divided into water pipe smokers and nonsmokers aged between (20-60) years. Five (5ml) of venous blood samples were collected, each blood sample was separated into two tubes, the first tube with EDTA for hematological assessment and the second was centrifugation and the serum was stored in a -20°C freezer till handled for biochemical analysis for determining lipid profile, liver function enzymes, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and blood glucose. Complete blood picture for collecting blood samples was performed by automatic methods (System X kx-21n automated hematology analyzer; JAPAN CARE CO., LTD) including hemoglobin (Hb), white blood cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs), Platelets and Haematocrit or packed cell volume (PCV). Biochemical tests and lipid profile analysis were performed in laboratories of Al-Sadder Teaching Hospital in Amarha City according to the standard methods described in the Analysis Kits used in this study were products of Spanish Company Spinreact.
The results: The results observed that the water pipe smokers were in ages between 31-40 years with a percentage of 43%, followed by the aged 20-30 years with a percentage of 25%. Hematological analysis for the blood samples collected from water pipe smokers and non-smoking (control) observed a significant increase in RBCs, WBCs, HCT, Hb, and Plt in water pipe smokers as compared with the non-smoker group in (p<0.05). Lipid profile values observed a significant increase in the total cholesterol levels, (LDL), vLDL) and Triglyceride with a significant decrease in HDL (P>0.05) in water pipe smokers as compared with the non-smoker group. Significant increase in the levels of AST, ALT, and alkaline phosphatase enzyme, also the creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and blood glucose observed a significant increase in(P>0.05) as compared with non-smokers. On other hand, there was a significant decrease in total proteins in water pipe smokers.
Conclusions: Water pipe smoking caused abnormal changes in complete blood picture (CBC) and serum lipids such as the total cholesterol and Triglyceride levels. Also harmed the liver functions and kidney functions.
